3 Website trends from 2020

Check out Biz Creative Justin Kiser’s top 3 website trends for 2020! Learn how to keep your website relevant and competitive in a time where websites are transitioning form an afterthought to being critical to keep your business running. Let’s dive in!

1. Typography (Fonts)

Typography or fonts play a bigger role on your site than you realize. We’re all familiar with Arial and Times New Roman, but those are no longer appealing to readers. Choosing trending fonts that help engage your site visitors means they stay on your site longer and learn more about you. It also makes the site look more modern and current.

2. Involved Illustrations

What are those? These are graphics that can be used to convey the instructions, timeline, steps or a process through an image rather than 500 words. People are visual! This means that viewers are learning what they need in a few seconds rather than a few minutes. Create an easy method of understanding that quickly helps to land that next customer.

3. Chat Bots

The final – and maybe the most valuable –  trend is chat bots. Chat bots are those pop-ups that we’ve all clicked out of at one time or another. There are options available for your website that can be tailored to what experience you want your website visitor to have. A chat bot can become an automated salesperson that is always available and helps turn your site from a source of information to a real sales tool. In a world were meetings are less face-to-face, let an automated system save you some time.